Turkey, Gönül Paksoy, Clothing Design
Science or art: from the earliest days of our education we are pressed to decide to which faction we belong. To find our place we must discover if we possess the calm rational sense and detached curiosity of the scientist or the unbridled creativity and untamed temperament of the artist. Although we accept the existence of the occasional renaissance man with a foot in each camp, the majority of us show just one face to society and become through practice and intent one type or the other. In this sense and many others Gönül Paksoy is exceptional. There are not many designers who have published academic papers on ‘the separation of Tar into its components and its definition’: still fewer hold a PhD with a doctoral thesis on root dye chemistry. Designer, collector and renowned chef, Gönül absorbs elements of old and new, east and west in an astonishingly creative compound. Transformation and the desire to create perfection from materials both base and beautiful is at the root of her work.
To follow the story of Gönül Paksoy, find them on social media here.