Originally posted in 2016, The Tatreez Institute's Palestinian Barbie's were fore-thinking the current Barbie craze. Many of these Barbie’s belonged to Wafa and sisters in the 1980’s, clothed in outfits embroidered by their mother. Wafa Ghnaim has recently re-shared her Palestinian Barbie's, reaching out "To all the Palestinian girls and boys who played with Barbie and Ken".
Red, yellows and pinks are embroidered, in contrast to the darker ground fabrics. Purples, blues, pinks and oranges combined to create captivating cross stitched, geometric designs. The wash of pink usually associated with Barbie is overshadowed by the striking Palestinian embroideries.
As someone who regularly altered her Barbie's clothes, it brought back memories. I cut, stitched, painted, and personalised my Barbie's in every way I could. I only had so much control over my wardrobe but my Barbie's could wear whatever I imagined they could. They were my creativity and exploration.
How did you care for your Barbie and Ken?
Text by Catherine Harris
Images courtesy of @tatreezandtea
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