A Celebration of Craft, Culture and Creativity
Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Selvedge World Fair Kickstarter: I am grateful for your support. While we are busy raising funds, we are also working hard behind the scenes to put together a program of talks and workshops that will bring you the very best thinkers and makers who are reimagining the future of textiles.
Call for Workshop Leaders
Selvedge is committed to promoting sustainable alternatives to the global textile industry. With that in mind, we are seeking applications for workshop leaders on the theme of CRAFT:
Culture Inspired by people and places
Repair Making textiles last
Appreciate The wonder of fibre and dye
Fashion Clever construction
Tradition Passing on our heritage
Call for SpeakersWe are also inviting applications from speakers who can deliver well-prepared talks, that will educate, inspire, and feed the curiosity of our visitors, sparking the kind of conversations that are important to at Selvedge, and to our readers. The theme for our talks programme is CULTURE:
Contemplate The slow movement
Unite Textile that unites a community
Labour The politics of cloth
Theatre Using textile to tell stories
Use Inventive uses of fibre
Re-use Waste not, want not
Entrepreneur Businesses with sustainable credentials
If you have a workshop or topic for a talk that you think will touch and inspire our remarkable audience, please email a short outline and biography to editor@selvedge.org
Blog post by Polly Leonard