Since many craft lovers will be coming to the Charleston fair this Saturday from all over the country, here's how to make the most of your trip to East Sussex...
First of all, the house itself is an amazing place to visit. Originally resident to Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell – both prominent artists of the twentieth century - the house became the country meeting-place of the Bloomsbury group. This group of pioneering artists, writers and thinkers included the likes of Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, Clive Bell and Roger Fry – among others. These artists decorated the walls, doors and furniture of the house, inspired by Italian frescoes and post-Impressionism. The house retains their creative legacy, and visitors can see works by Picasso, Renoir and Delacroix in the Charleston Trust collection. It is also worth visiting the beautiful Mediterranean-style walled garden, if the weather permits.
Slightly further afield is Lewes, a charming and historic town with beautiful panoramic views of the South Downs landscape. The Lewes food market takes place every Friday, and is well worth a visit. It is a new venture, run by a non-profit organisation (the Lewes Local Community Interest Company) that seeks to promote healthy and seasonal food, and supports small-scale sellers and local producers. Among the artisan breads and fresh fruit and vegetable produce, are cheeses, cakes, cooked meat, vegan products and much much more.
After the excitement of the Selvedge fair, if you simply feel like a stroll through some of the most beautiful countryside in England, Charleston is well situated. The South Downs National Park is right on the doorstep, and you can find a variety of local walking routes on the South Downs website.
We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the Charleston fair. There are still some tickets available on our website, and we are now offering a 2-for-1 discount.
Selvedge Fair, Charleston
Charleston, Firle, Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 6LL
Saturday 14 October, 11-5pm, Entrance £5