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Charlotte Macey 'cupcake' tea towels to give away, perfect for dusting away your flour after an afternoon of baking!
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In England we call them fairy cakes, in America they are called cupcakes - why? Please click here to send your answer. Winners will be announced on the 6th April.
Cupcakes refers to “a cake to be baked in small cups” – where as Fairy Cakes are not baked in cups, just bun cases. Moreover, some say that Fairy Cakes are small, particularly shorter, than Cupcakes.
Apparently the reason they were called cup cakes was because they were baked in a thin paper or alluminium cup.
I think because they appear to have originated in USA it refers to the quantities in the recipe measured by cups to make life easier. Same thing applies to pound cakes where everything is measured in lbs. x
Cupcakes can be traced as far back as 1796, to an American recipe for a “a cake to be baked in small cups” hence cupcakes.