Disneyland is your land...
"To all that come to this happy place: welcome.” Disneyland was designed to draw people in and transport them to another world. Millions of people have treasured memories of family holidays there – since the park opened over 650 million guests have passed through the gates!
Today those treasured memories translate into something a little more material – a booming market for memorabilia. With that in mind Van Eaton Galleries in Sherman Oaks, California has announced a collection of vintage Disneyland costumes as part of their "Story of Disneyland Collection" exhibit and auction. Taking place on 28 February and 1 March it includes an extraordinary assortment of performer and cast member original costumes including several items from Betty Taylor, the original “Slue Foot Sue”, in addition to numerous other Disneyland items. Collectors will also have the opportunity to bid on original fabric designed by the Imagineers at Disneyland and sold to visitors in the park in the 1950s. Bids can be placed in person or online, so if your heart's desire is a Main Street Cast Member Vest, estimate: $100-$200 or an original 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea costume – a steal at $1,200-$1,500 then register to bid at www.vegalleries.com/storyofdisneyland.
Images courtesy of disneylandnews.com