Handspun Yarn From India
The design label 11.11 / eleven eleven has launched a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo, for handspun cotton yarn. By committing to buy handspun yarn kits, made from indigenous organic cotton spun in India, supporters will help to create and strengthen a supply chain for kala cotton. Kala cotton is a short staple organic cotton. It is a genetic reflection of the habitat it has evolved with. It requires very small financial investment - sustaining farmer and artisan livelihoods with minimal inputs. Sourcing cotton directly from a land-owning farmer ensures that all earned revenue cycles back to the families who cultivate these crops.
11.11 says: The first collection of handspun yarn we are proposing is made from one of the oldest non GMO cotton varietals still in existence. The project aims to build solidarity between maker communities connecting knitters to hand spinners and indigenous fiber from remote regions of India. Supporters can pledge to buy perks ranging from yarn artwork to ‘a hat’s worth’ of yarn, ‘a sweater’s worth’ of yarn or a beret kit.
Craftsmanship lies at the heart of 11.11 / eleven eleven. The label maintains a unique handmade vision by departing from mainstream manufacturing, producing small batch clothing in collaboration with groups of artisans located across India. It is the pret label of the parent company CellDSGN Pvt. Ltd. whose design vision and marketing initiatives are spearheaded by the entrepreneurs Mia Morikawa, Graphic Design graduate from Central Saint Martin’s University of the Arts, London & Shani Himanshu, Master’s in Fashion Design from Domus Academy, Milan. 11.11 / eleven eleven has a stand-alone retail store in New Delhi (India) and a concept store in Tokyo (Japan). In addition it also retails from multi-brand locations in India, USA, Canada, Korea & Japan.
For more information visit indiegogo