In issue 27 we asked you to turn off your tumble-dryer. It might seem like a lot to ask but the advantages are clear. An electric tumble-dryer is one of the largest energy consuming devices in the home, accounting for a massive 4.3% of the UK's entire domestic energy consumption. We're hoping that by acting together Selvedge readers can make a real difference so please let us know if you've decided to abandon your tumble-dryer in favour of Mother Nature...
We are family of 5, including a gardener, a sculptor and 3 active, outdoorsy children. Hence, plenty of washing!
We installed a woodburning stove in our kitchen, with an old fashioned, ceiling mounted, airer/drier over it last Autumn. I have hardly used the tumble drier since and I love seeing the multi coloured clothes hanging to dry – a different textile art installation each time!
Even if the wood burner isn’t going the clothes generally dry over night. Now summer is here there is the added bonus of outdoor drying with clothes smelling of the sun.
Can’t beat it – and our electricity bill has reduced hugely!
I don’t own a tumble drier. I invested in a good old fashioned washing line and love the smell and feel of washing that’s been hung out. Is this as age thing? I’m 48 and was taught the art of pegging out by my mum. I even have a drying line across the stairwell to catch all the rising heat from the house. Looks kind of messy, but totally free.
I use an old fashioned drying rack by Gnu
I do not and never, ever had any intention of owning a tumble-dryer. The idea of paying for a process that occurs naturally is just crazy; a symptom of our greed-driven consumer society.
I have always insisted in having a pulley installed wherever I have lived, and also use various types of clothes horse (also known as winter-dykes).
My laundry heaven would include the sound of washing getting a good blaw and the smell of line-dried sheets blown to perfection.
Living in Hawaii, I can hang clothes to dry outside to dry naturally.Sometimes it rains so often that they receive a rain water rinse a couple of times before I take them down.