“The Midlands” is a term rarely used outside of weather and travel reports. As a cultural and geographical region, it is frequently ignored by the binary-obsessed media, who focus instead on the “north/south divide”. However, the Midlands area has a rich history and cultural heritage, and was incredibly important to the development of Britain’s textile industry.
In the beginning of the 18th century, it was the production of Midlands wool that was one of the key British industries. The city of Nottingham was also once the heart of the world’s lace industry, and was the site of the invention of the first mechanical knitting machine; the stocking frame. Further south, Leicestershire had a long tradition of knitwear, hosiery and footwear, and the county’s coat of arms still features a sheep in recognition of the county’s wooly past.
Nowadays, crafts and textiles continue to thrive in the Midlands, and this spring sees an exhibition by 32 of the region’s contemporary makers take place. “Made in the Middle” features ceramics, jewellery, metalwork and, of course, textiles, and there will be opportunities to “meet the maker” throughout the exhibition period. This touring exhibition is now on display at the Parkside Gallery in Birmingham, from 6 March – 29 April.
Made in the Middle: Contemporary Craft from the Midlands
Parkside Gallery, The Parkside Building, 5 Cardigan St, Birmingham B4 7BD
6 March – 29 April

1 comment
Hurrah! The Midlands getting some recognition at last. Thank you for flagging this up.