Quite often an artist’s work will be described as ‘playful’, but what does this actually mean? Experimental? Interactive? Youthful, even? American artist Jacob Hashimoto answers this question with resounding clarity. In his latest exhibition at Finland’s Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art titled Giants and Uncertain Atmospheres, ‘playful’ means a nuanced combination of each of these things, grounded in nostalgia.
Jacob’s large-scale installation of tiny paper sculptures hangs from the ceiling in a rippling cloud of colour. Using simple shapes and shades, the artist creates an immersive atmosphere for gallery-goers. As if taken straight from a vintage video game, his installation flickers between forming a scene from childhood games, and a collection of purely abstract shapes.
Jacob is best known for working with light, kite-like elements in his installations and this latest work continues to explore this oeuvre with the lightest touch. Using bamboo and rice paper to ensure that the piece responds to the breezes brought into the gallery by museum visitors, this impressive installation continues to change at each moment of the day. To see it for yourself is a truly individual experience.