Selvedge talks to Old Fashioned Susie
We caught up with one of our favourite fellow bloggers Susie Earlam of the blog Old Fashioned Susie.
What makes you ‘Old Fashioned’?
Old Fashioned covers so many things for me, primarily it is to do with the fact I chose to stay at home when I had children. Along with the fact I love old things. But it is also to do with my ethics and values. Treat others as you'd like to be treated, playing the long game rather than chase short term fixes, which is very much how much of how Western society is right now.
What’s your background? what did you do before starting Old Fashioned Susie?
I've a varied background but all creative, I was an Art Teacher before having children and before that I worked as a make up artist.
What led you to starting your blog?
Well my new daughter was a few months old and I needed, quite desperately actually, a creative outlet. I was feeling isolated, living somewhere I didn't like and my other half worked long hours. I needed to be creative in some way and blogging was the answer.
There are so many places, things and people to talk about – what’s your criteria for something special and worth covering?
Ah great question! Something that I find interesting and exciting is sure to be easy to write about. I find if I'm not enthusiastic about something it's very difficult to sound so. So unless it captures me in some way, I can relate to it, or I have used it and found it brilliant, or I'm coveting it... If it doesn't do those things then it wont appear.
Do you work alone or have you found yourself working a lot with others?
I work alone a lot. Mostly I love it but there are times when it feels a bit lonely. Luckily I have some great mum mates and other bloggers who are local so it's easy to make plans to see people. I do love meeting other bloggers and I'm trying to organise more socials and workshops with a handful of lovely local ladies.
What is your favourite part of the process of sourcing content and blogging?
I love it when inspiration strikes. Often finding the time to actually write the content can be hard with two small children. My other favourite part is readers reactions and feedback, I love hearing what they think or if I've helped them in some way.
Where do you live and why have you chosen to be here?
I actually live in the same village I grew up in!! It was never my plan to move back here but as an adult I can see the many positives of living where we do. My parents are 5 minutes away, I can walk to school, the library, the doctors, the local shops and hop on the train to Manchester airport in one direction or Manchester city centre in the other. It's a great location.
What’s your ideal Sunday? Paint a picture…
There's so many ways I could spend a Sunday. An early start on my own for a car boot trawl, then home for bacon sandwiches and a snooze with the Sunday papers. Or a lay in with breakfast in bed then a film afternoon with the family. We love to go for pizza at a restaurant called Croma close by actually. Any Sunday would be perfect with that.
What music (if any) are you listening to at the moment?
The Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack is on in my car ALL OF THE TIME. My girls virtually know all of the words to the songs on there now. Some real feel good tracks. I also love Podcasts! Particularly Serial and the Blogtacular podcast.
How long does it take to make one blog post?
Anything from two hours to two months! Sometimes the post is already written in my head, especially if its a personal post, perhaps something I'm currently going through. Those ones are so quick to write. But other times you just have an idea or a title and it takes longer to form the narrative or direction of the post. And sometimes it can take a while purely due to bad lighting for photography.
If you're looking for a new blog to follow, take a look at Old Fashioned Susie.