Still Life – Sydney Bella Sparrow
Still life: simply an exercise in capturing the likeness of objects, or a beautiful – perhaps symbolic – art form in its own right? In the case of Sydney Bella Sparrow and her oil paintings, it is certainly the latter.
Combining the realism of a photograph with a painter’s love for form and tone, Sydney’s oils portray everyday objects in stunning detail. Her paintings ask the viewer to appreciate the natural patterns on the skin of a pear, or the emerald sheen of a spool of thread – lovely little details that go unnoticed by most of us in our day-to-day lives.
Sydney’s paintings of wooden bobbins are particularly beautiful; the opulent jewel tones of the silk threads certainly stand out in front of the dark background, evoking memories of the treasures hidden in grandmother’s sewing box. There is something inherently nostalgic about Sydney’s work; she does not depict the plastic that is ever present in the modern world, nor do her paintings contain evidence of digital technology. The wood and silk and metal that she paints are virtually timeless materials.
Sydney was born in Chicago, but currently resides and works in Maine. Her talent with a brush won her ‘Outstanding Representational Artist of 2009’ in the 16th Annual Spotlight on the Arts Awards Show, and she has previously exhibited her paintings in the Fort Wayne Museum of Art in Indiana. For now, she is keeping a quiet profile, but continues to paint.