Think big shapes and bright colours, bold patterns and layered fabric; these elements are synonymous with Swedish fashion designer Gudrun Sjödén. Heralded as a maker that resists market trends and embraces the holy grail of comfort, Sjödén’s clothes are playful, joyous and worthy of recognition. It’s no surprise then that the Fashion and Textile Museum in London will be giving her just that. This April, the organisers behind the museum will celebrate forty years of her designs with the exhibition “Gudrun Sjödén: Four Decades of Colour and Design”.
The show will feature a mix of all things Sjödén; from original sketches to vintage designs, to early catalogues and video footage. Known also as a pioneer of sustainable design,”Four Decades of Colour and Design” will offer visitors a multi-storied view into her making process. From sustainability to business and design alike, Sjödén’s life and work is revealed in all its vibrancy.
Born in Sweden, Sjödén opened her first shop in Stockholm in 1976. Now, she has over 200 employees and a company worth millions. Her generous shapes and fabrics are designed to be realistic; to cater to women of all ages and sizes. Her clothes are geared towards practicality, and against the discomfort of high heels and tight outfits--a pain that a lot of women can, unfortunately, relate to. How refreshing it is to have a prominent designer who cares about how people feel, practically, in her clothes. And how important it is too that it’s celebrated.