Tea & Tattle
Miranda Mills is a freelance writer, podcaster and photographer living in London. She started her podcast, Tea & Tattle, after seeing a gap in the market for a British show that celebrated female creativity and success. Tea & Tattle is a weekly podcast, popular with makers and crafters, featuring interviews with inspiring women and conversations about books, wellbeing, creativity and culture. Here we ask Miranda how she started podcasting, what inspires her, and of course, for book recommendations.
Why did you start podcasting?
I started Tea & Tattle at a time when there weren’t very many podcasts available in the UK. I was listening to a lot of American podcasts and enjoying them, and I suddenly thought - why don’t I do my own? I didn’t know anything about how to record or audio editing, but I did some research, bought a mic, and the rest - as they say - is history! I wanted my podcast to champion the female voice and experience. There are so many women pursuing their dreams, telling their truths and building incredible careers all over the world, and it’s a privilege to be able to share their stories with my audience.
Who has most inspired you and why?
All the women I interview inspire me with their talent and passion. I am working on a book at the moment, so I love that I get to bend the ear of so many writers. Kate Morton is a huge inspiration to me, as I adore her books (The House at Riverton is such a favourite of mine), so it was a joy to have her on the podcast. I’m also inspired by the women I’ve interviewed who have performed remarkable acts of courage, like Bonita Norris, who is one of the youngest British women ever to have climbed Mount Everest. She is a lesson in what single-minded determination can do.
What are your book recommendations for 2020?
Oh goodness, there are so many! Some recent publications I’ve thoroughly enjoyed are The Other Bennet Sister by Janice Hadlow and Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid.
To listen to Tea & Tattle, visit www.teaandtattlepodcast.com