Welcome to the Selvedge blog, no, don't sigh and become weary at the thought of yet another addition to an overpopulated world wide web. Our monthly newsletter proved so popular that we realised an online journal would be even better. This will be the place where we can share the material we can't squeeze into our paper issues. We hope that in the posts to follow we can give you an idea of how the magazine is put together, our likes and dislikes, our short lived enthusiasms and enduring loves...

what a great start to a wonderful blog.
Oh I am happy that you have joined the blog world. I love your magazine. I don’t get a chance to read it often because it is not available in the small town in the desert that I live in. So, I always have to wait until we drive to Las Vegas or LA and most of the time it is sold out already. So having your blog will at least keep me some what connected with your magazine.