Wotta Lotta tissues
It's hayfever season so Lotta Anderson's choice of free gift is not to be sneezed at. For every $40 order, customers will receive a cute mini tissue box set. Each set of three boxes comes in two different designs and are part of a Lotta Jansdotter collaboration with a japanese company.
They would be perfect on your desk at work or next to your bedside table. The offer is valid until July 10th 2009 or for as long as supplies lasts...

1 comment
If you haven’t made a line of purl stitches to keep your steek on crosue, a simple option is to thread a needle with contrasting thread and run a line up the middle of the sweater and then sew the two rows of stitching on both sides of it. Secondly, if you pull the knitting sideways (a little) it is easy to machine stitch the same line of knit stitches because you can see them more clearly as you come to them. Then, to Miss Knotty, the secret is to keep feeling under your knitting to make sure you’re only sewing through one layer and keep pushing the other stuff away from the needle. Franklin, having started with the sewing machine and then tried knitting, I am completely impressed that you have tried (patiently) sewing. And the sweater is gorgeous.