All images must be square.
Minimum size 500 pixels by 500 pixels, maximum 3500 pixels by 3500 pixels. Please make the resolution as high as possible within these parameters.
Accepted filetypes JPG, JPEG & PNG.
See visual guides and samples for artisan profiles, all images, audiovisual content, products & visitor engagement in the sections below.
Each artisan will have a dedicated page on our website with portrait, making, studio & detail images as well as a short bio of approximately 200 words. Links to samples below.
Artisan Profile | Portrait Image | Making Images | Studio Images | Audiovisual Content
Each artisan will have a dedicated shopping page for their product collection. Artisans can list up to 10 products, with no variants except size allowed. The products can be available to dispatch right away, or alternatively made to order. You can also create a special collection exclusively available through Selvedge (recommended option).
Each product must have a minimum of 2 images: one overall packshot image & a detailed image. If possible, you should also have a styled image with the product in context, this helps customers to sense the scale of the product.
The product should also contain a short description as well as details such as materials and techniques used, measurements, stock & retail price.
Product Overall Pack Shot Images
This is an opportunity to connect with the potential customers and promote your brand, and all participating artisans are required to take part. The options include taking part in talks, podcasts, hosting workshops, Instagram live, creating a project kit, live Q&A with an audience, slow tv, taking part in show & tell sessions. You can find out more about the 2020 event visitor engagement elements through the links below. During the application process we invite you upload proposals for talks, workshops and project kits. For workshops, you will need to provide a workshop outline & material list. The workshops are 3 hours long and should accommodate up to 12 participants. Talks are 15 minutes long and should contain 15 slides / images (1 minute per slide). Project kit is a DIY craft project designed by the artisan, complete with PDF instructions and materials kit that will be posted to the customer.