Product Pricing Information
All prices need to be submitted in GBP (£ / pound sterling).
Prices need to include 30% Selvedge commission, as well as tracked & insured shipping to 6 destinations: Europe, Oceania, Asia, Africa, North America & South America.
You must be willing to ship items to all above regions with unless customs rules & regulations prevent it.
Selvedge commission includes card & processing fees.
We use a geolocation app which detects the region customers are browsing from, and gives them a product price which includes shipping to correct region. This means we need 6 prices for each product.
Pricing Example
Artisan is based in the UK. The product costs £100.
Product price + Selvedge commission + shipping to region
£100 x 30% Selvedge commission: £30
Product price with commission: £130
Shipping to Europe: £20
Shipping to Oceania: £50
Shipping to Asia: £50
Shipping to Africa: £60
Shipping to North America: £40
Shipping to South America: £55
Final prices including commission & shipping fees:
Product price when shipped to Europe: £150
Product price when shipped to Oceania: £180
Product price when shipped to Asia: £180
Product price when shipped to Africa: £190
Product price when shipped to North America: £170
Product price when shipped to South America: £185
How to calculate shipping
Each one of your 10 products must be weighed with their packaging and measured. Size and weight both affect shipping rates. Then use FedEx, DHL or similar service website which offers tracked and insured shipping to input your data and record the rate for each of the 6 continents for each of your 10 products.
If goods are sold, you will have an option to book the shipping on your company account or use the Selvedge account to do so (DHL / FEDEX only)
If you use your own account, you will invoice us for the cost which must match the shipping cost quoted in the price.
If you use the Selvedge account, Selvedge will keep the money paid by customer for the shipping. The cost must match the shipping cost quoted in the price.