UK, St Leonards, Nomad
Established in 2022 by Philippa Farnese, Nomad Surplus Luxury Textiles is a fabric shop with a difference.
I sell luxury knitted and woven fabrics produced in the UK. My stock is considered by the mills to be surplus, samples, seconds or waste. These luxury fabrics are available in cashmere, wool, linen and silk, and are sold by weight, or as products and kits.
My business creates employment, and working together with my suppliers, we are committed to reduce the carbon footprint and waste production in the textile industry.
Much of my stock is not generally available for sale to the public, because it is generated during the weaving and knitting processes. There is a continuous and varied supply each month. Therefore my customers are inspired to create beautiful original products, garments and artwork, and my business model depends upon the skills and imagination of those creative minds.
I am committed to a sustainable supply: I only stock materials that would otherwise be destined for waste streams, and make them available for retail and wholesale.
Why Nomad?
I split my time between Glasgow and the south coast of England, sourcing textiles on my travels. So in a very real sense, I lead a nomadic life. The name Nomad is also a nod to the nomadic herders of Mongolia, where much of the cashmere I stock has its origins.