Guest Blog Post – Fibre Arts Network
Karen LeBlanc, owner of Loominations weaving studio and gallery, has been weaving for approximately 40 years. She started weaving as a child on a backstrap loom and then attended the NB Craft School. After giving up weaving for 10 years for educational pursuits, Karen returned to weaving in 2002.
Fibre Arts Network – FAN – is a small group of fibre artists working in a variety of fields and disciplines in New Brunswick, Canada. Members work in various types of weaving (tapestry, Jacquard, complex, overshot, etc.), felting, quilting, thread painting, knitting, rug hooking, millinery, book binding, and many other forms and combinations of fibre art.
FAN members recently coordinated and participated in a very successful exhibition at the Andrew and Laura McCain Gallery in Florenceville, NB. Imagine a bowl of giant felted blueberries. Or a seasonal hanging with overshot panels. Sculptural hats. Quilts made from woven “scraps.” A chair with a hooked seat. A bright peacock – hooked! Felted meatballs. Funky reed basket orbs. A woven azure kimono and scarf. A fitted felted dress...
FAN also awards an annual scholarship to a textiles student attending the NB College of Craft and Design (NBCCD) and a professional development award to a FAN member in good standing.
FAN has a long history, starting in the 1970’s as the Fredericton Designer Weavers and growing to a provincial multi-discipline fibre group. We have curated several exhibitions, yarn sales, coordinating and/or attending fibre workshops, participating annual Christmas Sales, coordinating public demonstrations and open houses… And having fun with show and tell, pot lucks and other activities at meetings. Every fibre artist needs a FAN club – and we are immensely grateful for our one in NB, Canada.