Sackcloth gets a bad press – in ancient times a coarse garment and ashes were a sign of wrongdoing or repentance. Parna's approach is much more upbeat, Kath Griffiths turns hardwearing and practical vintage linen and hemp grain sacks into simply lovely cushions- the only thing you'll regret is not entering our competition...
Click here to find out more about Parna. To win one of three embroidered cushions worth, please answer this question:
What is another name for a cilice? Please click here to send your answer.
Love the trend for upcycling old practical textiles in to desirable modern furnishings…
It’s an undershirt made of coarse cloth… apparently! I bought the loveliest linen tea towel here – which I shall ‘upcycle’ into a cushion cover one day!
…duh, and it’s another name for a ‘hair-shirt’…