Noolibird 3 stamps to win...
Nula Shearing finds the inspiration for her pretty stamps - jumping fairies, little hedgehogs and birds with flowery wings - in the fantasy world she occasionally visits with her children! They are perfect for making your own cards or printing up wallpaper for a child's room. Click here to find out more about Noolibird and their business. To win one of Noolibird's stamps, please answer this question: Wooden printing blocks are soaked in oil for nearly a month, why? Please click here to send your answer.
thanks for the great tips on starting a textile business. the stamps are exquisite. i make stamps and never thought of making ones to sell.
To soften the grains of timber. It allows them to be more easily cleaned and makes them more durable.
Wooden printing blocks are soaked in oil to enhance the grain of the wood so that a good textured print is achieved on inking.
They are soaked in oil to soften the grain and they become more durable