Su Blackwell
"I often work within the realm of fairy-tales and folk-lore. I began making a series of book-sculpture, cutting-out images from old books to create three-dimensional diorama’s, and displaying them inside wooden boxes.”
London based artist Su Blackwell is currently showing at Ginza's Pola Museum Annex in Tokyo. Su originally trained in textiles and began making book sculptures when, after graduating from a textiles MA at the RCA, she travelled to Thailand. Whilst there, Blackwell purchased 'a beautiful second-hand book on the 'Kao San Road'. The book ('The Quiet American,') was eventually transformed into an paper haze of cut out moths, resembling, I imagine like her more recent works, a kind of strange and delightful Victorian ornament.
There is a risk of these book sculptures appearing twee and simplistic, however, Blackwell does not only create pretty cut outs, a large portion of her book work is dark and reasonably sinister, often involving the figure of a lost girl. Not unlike many fairytales, there appear to be adult themes about vulnerability and security running throughout her work.
Japan seems a fitting place for Blackwell's work. Not only is origami and a different understanding and appreciation of paper a significant part of Japanese life, Blackwell also cites a more abstract and intangible connection to Asian philosophy and spiritual ritual.
Su Blackwell - Dwelling
Pola Museum Annex in Tokyo
until 14th June 2015

What gorgeous work. Where can I I see some work in the UK. . Hopefully,
vous êtes talentueuse
merci de m’emerveiller
J’avais déjà vu une carte au musée de l’architecture à Paris avec votre château!!!
I have enjoyed the June News letter. Thank you so much!
What delicious works of art, I love the last one particularly, very cosy on a dark night.
These pieces of art are just amazing. I’d love to see a video of her working at this!