It was with great sadness that I learnt of the demise of
Fibrearts magazine. The publication had a huge impact on my life. In the library at the Glasgow School of Art I devoured every issue and through their pages I was introduced to the world of textile art. When I started to write, it was Fiberarts that published my first article. I hope in some way
Selvedge will keep the spirit of those early issues of Fiberarts alive. Do comment below if Fibrearts Magazine had a special place on your shelves...
The magazine fascinated me. I sometimes wander through old issuse….I mean decades old. i am not evan a fiber artist, or evfen a sewer, really.
I was completely shocked. Along with Selvedge, FiberArts was my favorite. My first thought of course is, please don’t let this happen to Selvedge!! I immediately went online and bought a pile of your back issues for support :-)
The first thing to say is thank you. Selvedge is doing well but that is entirely due to the support of people like you. We are an independent magazine produced by a team of five and all our resources go towards making Selvedge as beautiful as possible. Without our readers we simply wouldn’t exist so if you enjoy Selvedge please spread the word, buy a back issue, subscribe, renew or introduce us to a like-minded friend – Selvedge makes a great gift. We really appreciate every subscription.
I felt sad too for Fiberarts magazine when I read the notice on the website!!
It’s expensive to me to buy Selvedge magazine, but I come to your site and learn anyway. Thank you and go on!!!! (i’m sorry but my english languaje it’s very basic ;)
An all round well thought out post.