World Fair Deadline Extended
Image: Blaudruck Wagner.
The deadline for applying to exhibit at the first Selvedge World Fair has been extended until 15 March. The World Fair is a three-day festival celebrating cloth, culture and creativity in London, taking placing 3 - 5 September 2020. Applications are open to artisans from any country, whose work is handmade and representative of the textile heritage of that country, however they interpret it. We are looking for indigo dyers from Japan, baskets makers from Swaziland, rug weavers from Uzbekistan and much more. Bursaries are available to cover travel and accommodation.
Image: Blaudruck Wagner.
The Fair will show work from 100 craftspeople and aims to develop economic opportunities for the makers of handmade textiles that will provide a sustainable means of achieving economic growth while preserving cultural traditions, and to promote informed and sustainable choices through an education programme that will increase knowledge and skills within the textile consumer.
At the event, the artisans will take part in a programme of presentations, offering the chance for guests to hear their stories and understand the importance of their crafts. Alongside the artisans will be a carefully curated selection of antique textile dealers and haberdashery merchants. Selvedge will be working in partnership with department stores and museums to host a series of workshops in the weeks leading up to the Selvedge World Fair.
Image: Somporn Intaraprayong.
Selvedge magazine has a passion for handmade textiles at its heart and a responsibility to support the artisans who make these textiles in its conscience. Over the last 15 years, Selvedge Magazine has grown to be both a source of thoughtful inspiration and an essential voice in the global promotion and preservation of handmade textiles. With the support of the magazine, the Selvedge World Fair is in an ideal position to find long-term, innovative solutions that support artisans globally and nurture the handmade.
To apply, visit www.selvedge.org.